
Cooperation Does Matter:

Exploring Multi-Order Bilateral Relations

for Audio-Visual Segmentation

Accepted by CVPR 2024 (Highlight)!

Qi Yang1, Xing Nie1, Tong Li2, Pengfei Gao2, Ying Guo2, Cheng Zhen2, Pengfei Yan2, Shiming Xiang1
1Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2Meituan


Recently, an audio-visual segmentation (AVS) task has been introduced, aiming to group pixels with sounding objects within a given video. This task necessitates a first-ever audio-driven pixel-level understanding of the scene, posing significant challenges.

In this paper, we propose an innovative audio-visual transformer framework, termed COMBO, an acronym for COoperation of Multi-order Bilateral relatiOns. For the first time, our framework explores three types of bilateral entanglements within AVS: pixel entanglement, modality entanglement, and temporal entanglement. Regarding pixel entanglement, we employ a Siam-Encoder Module (SEM) that leverages prior knowledge to generate more precise visual features from the foundational model. For modality entanglement, we design a Bilateral-Fusion Module (BFM), enabling COMBO to align corresponding visual and auditory signals bi-directionally. As for temporal entanglement, we introduce an innovative adaptive inter-frame consistency loss according to the inherent rules of temporal.

Comprehensive experiments and ablation studies on AVSBench-object (84.7 mIoU on S4, 59.2 mIou on MS3) and AVSBench-semantic (42.1 mIoU on AVSS) datasets demonstrate that COMBO surpasses previous state-of-the-art methods.



Overview of the proposed COMBO. COMBO adopts a novel audio-visual transformer framework for audio-visual segmentation.

Main Results

We evaluate our proposed method on the AVSBench dataset that consists of two scenarios: AVSBench-object and AVSBench-semantic. The download link is at AVSBench.

Results on AVSBench-object.

These experiments confirm that our COMBO model surpasses the performance of existing state-of-the-art methods, consequently setting a new benchmark for audio-visual segmentation.

Qualitative Analysis


As depicted in the figure, our proposed method, COMBO, exhibits superior audio-temporal and spatial localization quality, leading to better visualization and segmentation performance.


      author={Qi Yang and Xing Nie and Tong Li and Pengfei Gao and Ying Guo and Cheng Zhen and Pengfei Yan and Shiming Xiang},
      title={Cooperation Does Matter: Exploring Multi-Order Bilateral Relations for Audio-Visual Segmentation},
      booktitle={arXiv preprint arxiv:2312.06462},